What is a Support Group Meeting?
A Support Group Meeting (“SGM”) is a meeting where patients share their experiences with Blepharospasm and cranial dystonia, including current treatments and their effectiveness. Sometimes patients invite a support person such as a spouse or friend to join them. Meetings are held either in person at a public location, such as in a meeting room of a local hospital, in the Support Group Leader’s home, or virtually by Zoom technology.
As patient Heidi Coggeshall said after her first SGM: “These meetings have been great because I didn’t know anyone else with blepharospasm when I was first diagnosed. I learned from others what helped, and did not help. I still attend them for the support they provide me plus always nice to see a familiar face.”

Can I help?
We need Support Group Leaders! Many patients have volunteered to be Support Group leaders. The BEBRF office provides help to train you, schedule meetings, and coordinates the invitations for patients in your area. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please share your experience and help a fellow patient!
Please contact us if you can help us be a leader or would like to attend a meeting

Find a meeting or someone to talk to in your area
The Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation consists of a head office located in Beaumont, Texas, and three* districts.
If you click on your state below, you will see Support Group Leaders (State Coordinators/Area and Co-Area Representatives) and Contact Persons for local groups. If there is not a support group in your state, you will see just the District Director and/or Contact Persons with a note stating there is no meeting in the state. Please contact the District Director in such cases as he/she can facilitate the formation of new groups provided that they are aware of sufficient interested individuals. Even if it is not possible to form a new support group, the District Director may be able to put you in touch with a BEBRF Contact Person in your area. The same holds true if the support group(s) in your state are too far away to attend. If you are near a state border, check the neighboring state as it may have a closer support group. Contact Persons are not Support Group Leaders. They are there in case you need someone to listen or can also offer recommendations for doctors in the area.
*Note that, in December 2018, the number of districts was reduced from four to three (Eastern, Central, Western). The support groups and leaders have not changed. However, the District Director listed for some states is now different.
Linda Webb
State Coordinator
132 Trudy Dr.
New Hope, AL 35760
Tel: 256-723-2661
Shirley Ryals
Area Representative
570 Morphy Ave
Fairhope, Alabama 36532
Tel: 334-657-4057
E-mail: sbmryals@yahoo.com
Shirley Barr
Contact Person
24171 W Clearmont Dr
Elkmont, AL 35620
Tel: 256-614-3453
E-mail: bebrf.moderator@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Jeannie Fruean
State Coordinator
8100 E Cloud Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85750
Tel: 520-290-3207
E-mail: jeanniefruean@comcast.net
Vicky Ballew
Co-Area Representative
4331 E Piccadilly Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85018
Tel: 515-321-8571
E-mail: vickywballew@gmail.com
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Ena Wilmot
State Coordinator
6601 Connie Lane
Colleyville, TX 76034-5641
Tel: 817-488-0445
E-mail: enamwa@hotmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Joanne Matuzas
State Coordinator
3719 Via Del Conquistador
San Diego, CA 92117
Tel: 858-395-4609
E-mail: jmatuzas@san.rr.com
Kathy Berg
Area Representative
5145 Harvest Estates
San Jose, CA 95135
Tel: 408-270-9787
E-mail: kberg@pacbell.net
Cynthia Clark
Area Representative
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Sherwin Low
Area Representative
2655 Appaloosa Trail
Pinole, CA 94564
Tel: 510-758-9211
E-mail: sherwincell@gmail.com
Lorraine Tilton
Area Representative
2727 E. Hampton Way
Fresno, CA 93726
Tel: 559-269-9491
E-mail: lorraine@etherwalker.com
Marlene Ehresman
Contact Person, Sacramento Area
2550 S. River Road
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Tel: 916-372-7926
E-mail: lauden1@cwnet.com
Beverly Conradson
Contact Person
PO Box 5272
West Hills, CA 91308
Tel: 818-914-4187
E-mail: bconradson@hotmail.com
Renee Capen
Contact person
983 Goldenrod Ln
San Luis Obispo, CA 94301
Tel: 805-441-7589
E-mail: reneecapen@yahoo.com
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Lisa Kelly
State Coordinator
732 St Andrews Pl
Loveland, CO 80537
Tel: 303-885-8097
E-mail: lisabouleykelly@cs.com
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Carol Lively
Contact Person
963 Naugatuck Ave.
Milford, CT 06461
Tel: 203-641-3895
E-mail: livelycz6@optonline.net
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Jennifer Kawar
Area Co-representative, Greater Washington Area
7509 Nevis Road
Bethesda, MD 20817
Tel: 301-229-4038
E-mail: jennifer_kawar@yahoo.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Charles Morse
Contact Person
8837 Cypress Preserve Pl.
Ft. Myers, FL 33912
Tel: 239-561-1356
Charlotte Sterling
Area Representative
1800 Hermitage Blvd, Unit 118
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Tel: 727-510-5959
E-mail: charsandla@gmail.com
Marcia DeFren
Area Representative
7744 Spring Creek Dr
West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Tel: 561-615-8451
E-mail: marciadefren@msn.com
Barbara Tobias-Cowell
Area Representative
11328 Tacito Creek Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32223
Email: bbcjax1@gmail.com
Tel: 904-614-3757
Helen Rose Chestnut
Contact Person
13842 Ketch Cove Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Tel: 904-504-8840
Maureen Driver
Area Representative
1421 Sheafe Ave NE, #107
Palm Bay, FL 32905
Tel: 321-327-5011
E-mail: moed489@mail.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Shawna King
Contact Person
3513 Turtle Cove Ct SE
Marietta, GA 30067-4316
Tel: 678-468-6148
E-mail: shawna769@yahoo.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Taryn Hoffman
Contact Person
5607 N Larkwood Ave
Meridian, ID 83646
Tel: 203-362-5720
E-mail: ryntah@yahoo.com
Connie Secor
Area Representative
South Chicagoland
Tel: 409-832-0788
Pat DeMars
Contact Person
Indian Head Park, IL
Tel: 708-246-6127
E-mail: patschat50@hotmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Keith Klenke
Contact Person
4916 S Webster Rd
New Haven, IN 46774-9719
Tel: 260-623-3288
Email: kwklenke@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Sharon Nowlin
State Coordinator
14108 Barton St
Overland Park, KS 66221
Tel: (480) 390-3182
E-mail: snowlin1967@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Vicky Nottingham
State Coordinator
4130 Tules Creek Rd.
Hardinsburg, KY 40143-6976
Tel: 270-617-3155
E-mail: vnott09@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Ena Wilmot
State Coordinator
6601 Connie Lane
Colleyville, TX 76034-5641
Tel: 817-488-0445
E-mail: enamwa@hotmail.com
Winona Mitchell
Contact person
2223 S. Columbia Road
Bogalusa, LA 70427
Tel: 985-732-2738
Percy McCraney
Area Representative
3125 Logan St
Shreveport, LA 71103
Tel: 318-289-0869
E-mail: pmccraney@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Olivia Solodar
Contact Person
113 Glenwood Avenue
Portland, Maine 04103
Tel: 207-772-2249
Email: solwinfam@gwi.net
Norm Dubin
Area Representative
6210 Biltmore Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21215
Tel: 410-358-5014
E-mail: NormDubin@gmail.com
Jennifer Kawar
Area Representative, Greater Washington Area
7509 Nevis Road
Bethesda, MD 20817
Tel: 301-229-4038
E-mail: jennifer_kawar@yahoo.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Sande Young
Contact Person
18 Karen Rd
Newton, MA 02468
Tel: 617-527-1726
E-mail: ssyspts33@aol.com
Carol Taberski
Area Representative
2955 Belaire Dr.
Traverse City, MI 49684
Tel: 231-941-4243 (home)
Tel: 231-995-1058 (cell)
E-mail: caroltaberski@gmail.com
Gloria Weir-Pearson
Area Representative, Southeast Michigan
24609 Lakeview Ct., Apt. 202
Farmington Hills, MI 48356
Tel: 248-381-5348
Email: weirg@hotmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Virgil Koski
State Coordinator
12201 Minnetonka Boulevard, Unit 117
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Tel: 952-938-2590
E-mail: virgil.koskibebrf@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Ena Wilmot
State Coordinator
6601 Connie Lane
Colleyville, TX 76034-5641
Tel: 817-488-0445
E-mail: enamwa@hotmail.com
Milton Baxter
Area Representative
346 Austin Circle
Brandon, MS 39047
Tel: 601-573-3899
Email: MBaxterPetal@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Sharon Nowlin
State Coordinator
14108 Barton St
Overland Park, KS 66221
Tel: (480) 390-3182
E-mail: snowlin1967@gmail.com
Joan Metcalf
Contact Person
9413 Sonora Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63144
Tel: 314-961-8641
E-mail: joanmet@aol.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Margaret Hoarty
Area Representative
2320 N 56th St.
Omaha, NE 68104
Tel: 402-553-7547
E-mail: tom-margaret@cox.net
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Norma Gittelman
State Coordinator
117 Lotus Circle
Carson City, NV 89703
Tel: 775-884-1279
E-mail: norma@coolerking.com
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Alan Phair
Contact Person
57A Main Street
Atkinson, NH 03811
Tel: 603-401-1001
E-mail: aphair@aol.com
Terry Huntley
Contact Person
24 Walden Pond Drive
Nashua, NH 03064
Tel: 603-594-8717
E-mail: snoopsprincess@yahoo.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Virginia Hill
Co-Area Representative
29 Edgewater Drive
Matawan, NJ 07747
Tel: 732-566-0947
Email: ginchk@yahoo.com
Rebecca Teichman
Co-Area Representative
233 5th St.
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Tel: 201-240-0946
Email: rebecca.teichman01@gmail.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Sandy Mincher
Area Representative
46 Harris Road
Waterford, NY 12188
Tel: 518-542-2328
E-mail: simplisand@hotmail.com
Helene Lauffer
Area Representative
160 Riverside Drive, Apt 5b
New York, NY 10024
Tel: 212-496-0294
E-mail: hlauffer@earthlink.net
Mark Oehm
Area Representative
4805 Meyer Rd
Pendleton, NY 14120
Tel: 716-984-7866
E-mail: markeoehm@gmail.com
Arlene Chiappa
Area Representative
82 Stephan St
Kingston, NY 12401
Tel: 845-853-8077
E-mail: jafwa007@aol.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Lora Clark
Area Representative
305 Wild Rice Way
Wilmington, NC 28412
Tel: 910-619-9976
E-mail: bebrf.nc@charter.net
Jan Sellards
Area Representative
825 Plantation Crossing Drive, Apt. 31
Matthews, NC 28105
E-mail: jsell@comporium.net
Tel: 704-246-8014
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Kathleen Wiese
Contact Person
10750 Rushmore Road
Bismarck, ND 58503
Tel: 701-258-4208
E-mail: kwiese@bis.midco.net
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Dianne Wollam
Contact Person
9162 Dominion Circle
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Tel: 513-720-5638
E-mail: dwollam@fuse.net
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Helen Vaslavsky
State Coordinator
511 Fairway Circle
Broken Arrow, OK 74011
Email: Helen123@cox.net
Tel: 918-455-2133 (home)
Tel: 918-636-7334 (cell)
Bob Shank
Contact Person
8442 S. College Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74137-1448
Tel: 918-496-2176
E-mail: jubo@cox.net
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Ruby Lambert
Contact Person
364 W. Stewart Ave.
Medford, OR 97501
Tel: 541-734-2308 (home)
Tel: 541-326-5394 (cell)
E-mail: heyu62@charter.net
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
Nancy Williams
Contact Person
P.O. Box 129
Clifford, PA 18413
Tel: 570-222-4328
E-mail: nwilliam@nep.net
Cheryl Kudlawiec
Area Representative
1208 Elder Avenue
N Cambria, PA 15714-1427
Tel: 814-948-5569
E-mail: cherylk20@yahoo.com
Joan Nikelsky
Co-Representative, Philadelphia Area
7267 Calvin Road
Upper Darby, PA 19082
Tel: 610-352-5685
E-mail: jnikelsky@msn.com
Anne Holsclaw
Co-Representative, Philadelphia Area
42 Llanberris Road
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
Tel: 610-715-3249
E-mail: annietop6@gmail.com
Marion Maniet
Contact Person
1070 Lindendale Dr
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
Tel: 412-531-7329
E-mail: dmaniet@aol.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this area. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Hosanna Derderian
Contact Person
97 Ellison Street
Cranston, RI 02920
Tel: 401-942-3103
E-mail: hosanna.1@netzero.net
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Pat Miller
State Coordinator
17 Williams Road
Taylors, SC 29687
Tel: 864-354-4699
E-mail: plmiller@outlook.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Mildred Blackwell
Contact Person
1104 N Parkway #37
Jackson, TN 38305
Tel: 731-736-1513
E-mail: mildredblackwell@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
Ena Wilmot
State Coordinator
6601 Connie Lane
Colleyville, TX 76034
Tel: 817-488-0445
E-mail: enamwa@hotmail.com
Nanyen Chou
Area Representative – Houston Area
6035 Falling Briar Lane
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Tel: 979-253-0090
Email: neuronneuronneuron@gmail.com
Carlas Powell
Area Representative
21611 Amber Grain Ln
Cypress, TX 77433
Tel: 409-363-2206
E-mail: carlas.powell@gmail.com
Linda Trahan
Area Representative
2640 Mirage Ln.
Rockwall, TX 75087-2455
Tel: 214-563-7937
Email: linda.trahan@sbcglobal.net
Nelson Baez
Contact Person
19914 Black Cherry Bend Ct
Cypress, TX 77433
Tel: 281-865-8463
E-mail: Nelsonbz21@gmail.com
Sharon West
Area Representative
400 Giles Ct
Crowley, TX 76036
Tel: (817) 991-5584
E-mail: swest124@swbell.net
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
David Johnson
Contact Person
3 Kiln Road
Essex Junction, VT 05452
Tel: 802-879-8863
E-mail: mdjkiln@gmail.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Paula Nichols
Contact Person
1516 Timbercrest Ct.
Henrico, VA 23238
Tel: 804-740-2936
E-mail: nicholspc@verizon.net
Peggy Gilley
Area Representative
134 Andra Dr.
Ridgeway, VA 24148
Tel: 276-956-3555
Siclinda Canty-Elliott
Area Representative
2320 Westover Ave SW
Roanoke, VA 24015
Tel: 540-989-4850
E-mail: scantyell@gmail.com
Jennifer Kawar
Area Representative, Greater Washington Area
7509 Nevis Road
Bethesda, MD 20817
Tel: 301-229-4038
E-mail: jennifer_kawar@yahoo.com
Susan Rodgers
Area Representative
6304 Anderson Mill Road
Church Road, VA 23833
Tel: 804-704-0749
Email: susanrodgers6304@gmail.com
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Peter Bakalor
State Coordinator
2105 NW 201st St.
Shoreline, WA 98177
E-mail: pbakalor@outlook.com
Ruby Lambert
Contact Person
364 W. Stewart Ave.
Medford, OR 97501
Tel: 541-734-2308
Cell: 541-326-5394
E-mail: heyu62@charter.net
Dr. Richard Winslow
Contact Person
Mercer Island, WA
Tel: 206-236 1710
E-mail: w0301@aol.com
Ruth Anderson
Contact Person
Puyallup, WA
Tel: 253-845 4502
E-mail: ruthmanderson@comcast.net
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Mike Sowers
Contact Person
38 Shallow Creek Drive
Ranson, WV 25438
Tel: 304-724-7543
E-mail: mksowers@comcast.net
Carolyn Morris
Contact Person
5007 Bennington Drive
Cross Lanes, WV 25313
Tel: 304-768-1847
Bryan Renehan
Eastern District Director
14814 Kelly Farm Dr
Darnestown, MD 20874
Tel: 301-208-9818
E-mail: dir-e@blepharospasm.org
Sara Jane Brouchoud
State Coordinator
3714 Easy Street
Manitowoc WI 54220
Tel: 920-682-3782
E-mail: Sjb.bebrf.wi.coord@att.net
Gail Grueneberg
Area Representative
7848 Courtyard Dr.
Madison, WI 53711
Tel: (608) 338-8434
E-mail: grnmtn2@gmail.com
Mary Leduc
Area Representative, Eau Claire Area
23340 County Highway X
Cadott, WI 54727
Tel: 715-289-4513
E-mail: m.leduc5.7.1@gmail.com
Tishana Cundiff
Central District Director
11181 S. KY 501
Liberty, KY 42539-5475
Tel: 606-303-1132
Email: dir-c@blepharospasm.org
No meetings are currently held in this state. Please contact us if you’re interested in starting one.
Cynthia Clark
Western District Director
8412 Calle Carabe St
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Tel: 650-678-4132
E-mail: dir-w@blepharospasm.org