“Genetics Project to determine if there is a genetic link between some patients of a particular gene sequence (REEP4) that may be a cause of blepharospasm.”
– Dr. Mark LeDoux (University of Memphis)
Total BEBRF Funded – $40,000.00
“CBD Research Project to determine if CBD helps blepharospasm patients.”
– Dr. Rona Silkiss (Silkiss Eye Clinic in San Francisco)
Total BEBRF Funded – $70,000.00
Greenwich BioSciences Donated CBD valued at $40,000.00

Since 1985, the Foundation has funded nearly three million dollars in research into the cause, treatments, and cure for blepharospasm and its related disorders. The funding for this research has come directly from the donations made by individuals to the Foundation. The esteemed researchers come from around the world. Each year the Medical Advisory Board reviews the research grant applications for their scientific and medical merit. The link below will lead to a list of all research projects funded by the Foundation to date.