Ridgeway, VA

Clarence's Steak & Seafood House 6636 Greensboro Rd, Ridgeway, VA, United States

Location: Clarence's Steak & Seafood House 6636 Greensboro Rd Ridgeway, VA 24148 Contact Person: Peggy Gilley Phone: 276-956-3555

Presentations from the 2021 Symposium

The PowerPoint decks from presentations made at the 2021 BEBRF Symposium in Philadelphia are now available online: Symposium PowerPoints

Dallas, TX


Please contact Ena for invitation instructions to the meeting. Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Peckham Contact Person: Ena Wilmot Phone: 817-488-0445 Email: enamwa@hotmail.com

You Can Participate in Research!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Earlier this year several BEBRF patients participated in focus groups for a Patient-Centered Outcome (PCO) research project developing a phone app that will track the efficacy […]



Please contact Sharon for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Sharon West Tel: 817-297-4389 Email: swest124@swbell.net

Participate in a Clinical Trial!

The drug company ADDEX together with Dr. Buz Jinnah of Emory University (who serves on our MAB and the Medical and Scientific Advisory Council for DMRF) is launching a trial […]

Northeast Texas November


Please contact Linda for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Linda Trahan Tel: 214-563-7937 Email: linda.trahan@sbcglobal.net

National Zoom Support Group Meeting


Please contact Charlene for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Charlene Hudgins Tel: 409-832-0788 email: charlene@blepharospasm.org

National Zoom Support Group Meeting


Please contact Charlene for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Charlene Hudgins Tel: 409-832-0788 email: charlene@blepharospasm.org

National Zoom Support Group Meeting


Please contact Charlene for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Charlene Hudgins Tel: 409-832-0788 email: charlene@blepharospasm.org

Webinar – Surgical Procedures for Blepharospasm


Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 1 pm central time.  Speaker is Dr. Julie Woodward.  Register on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oFc5kT1GRZeM5ZWV-U8D0A

DFW Support Group Meeting


THE MEETING DATE HAS CHANGED - NO LONGER ON THE 18TH. Please contact Ena for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Ena Wilmot Tel: 817-488-0445 Email: enamwa@hotmail.com 

National Zoom Support Group Meeting


Please contact Charlene for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Charlene Hudgins Tel: 409-832-0788 Email: charlene@blepharospasm.org

Pacific Northwest Support Group Meeting


Please contact Peter for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Peter Bakalor Tel: 206-219-9053 Email: pbakalor@outlook.com

UK Zoom Support Group Meeting


The meeting is in held in Central Time Zone. Please contact Charlene for invitation instructions to the meeting. Contact: Charlene Hudgins Tel: 409-832-0788 Email: charlene@blepharospasm.org